Thursday, January 12, 2012

How to get a flat stomach in three easy steps

In many cases, those who want to lose weight try a search of the Zone diet. Since these do not exist, today we show you how to slim down the stomach in three easy steps. Actually, there are four small strategies, but we had already published a year dedicated to losing weight on the abdomen. If you have already read above, continue with the item, otherwise, take a look at our guide and head back to read the three strategies to achieve a flat stomach!

1) To lose the fat on the belly, the most important thing is to lower the percentage of body fat mass. A body with 15% (normal weight) of fat your abs will never show. To understand how much fat you have, you should try to make a test with the caliper somewhere dietician or personal trainer. This test costs on average € 30 but you can show reliable data on body fat.

2) Minimize carbs - To see a flat stomach, the ideal would be to reduce the carbohydrates consumed during the day. Among the carbohydrates we have bread, pasta, rice and other foods that provide the energy needed to train and play sports of any kind.

3) Do abdominal exercises - The latest strategy involves training yourself to a flat stomach abs (oblique and frontal) at least 3-4 times a week. We prefer the exercises are characterized by long series, so it is better to do 100 reps of crunches, which make 25. Got that?

The three changes above will help you improve your body in general, so act even in areas that accumulate more fat. The difficulty, however, is to maintain the weight lost with these strategies, since most of the fats and carbohydrates are often left in the belly area. Always try to follow a healthy diet, a workout designed for you and a great lifestyle. Say goodbye to smoking, alcohol and all the bad habits so prevalent in our country.

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